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Frequent Fitters
Membership Terms

The Frequent Fitters Membership ("Frequent Fitters") is a membership program offered by Cynthia’s Atelier, LLC to its most valued customers of Cynthia’s Atelier (“CA”) goods and services in the Wall Township, NJ location only. These terms and conditions form the agreement between each customer that participates in Frequent Fitters (known as a "Member") and CA with respect to Frequent Fitters Membership (“FFM”). Cynthia’s Atelier reserves the right to change these terms and conditions or to adopt additional rules, regulations, policies, or procedures ("Related Rules") affecting Frequent Fitters and to terminate FFM or a Member's membership in FF at any time for any reason without prior written notice. By participating in FF, Member agrees to these terms and conditions and Related Rules. Each Member is responsible for remaining knowledgeable about FFM’s terms and conditions and Related Rules, which can be found at Membership Terms /. Members agree to pay a monthly fee to participate in Frequent Fitters. Memberships in Frequent Fitters entitles each Member to a variety of benefits, including the following:


The Frequent Fitters Rosé Level Membership: Member is guaranteed an appointment for casual apparel alterations one time every 4 weeks of up to 6 garments per single session, even during busy seasons whereby, with a guaranteed turnaround time of 4 weeks per single session, whereby at pickup their garments will be steamed, pressed, hung and bagged. 

Frequent Fitters Elité Level Membership: Member is guaranteed an appointment toward 2 fittings per month including up to 6 casual garments per session and/or 4 formal garments (up to 12 garments in any given month in total), whereby garments will be steamed, pressed, hung and bagged at time of pickup, with a guaranteed turnaround time of 3 weeks. 


Membership fittings are non-transferable. Unused sessions may be credited toward future use at the discretion of CA, though member waives the benefits of guaranteed turnaround time and guaranteed appointment availability. 

The Elité fitting may be shared with a third-party for use of the “Friend Fitting” benefit, whereby a friend can attend Member’s fitting session and can be fitted for one garment during Member’s session, however the Member must be present at the time of the ”Friend Fitting”  appointment, and at the Elité Level, add-ons do not accumulate and must be used within 30 days.



Discounts and membership fittings are non-transferrable and can only be used by Member, except in the case of a Friend Fitting where the Member must be present. To redeem membership fittings and/or benefits, Members must provide their name and identify themselves as a Frequent Fitter. Any attempt to transfer benefits under Frequent Fitters may result in automatic cancellation of membership. Cynthia’s Atelier reserves the right to request proper identification from a Member before providing benefits or fittings under Frequent Fitters. Participating Cynthia’s Atelier locations consist of Wall Township, NJ only and may not be redeemed at other locations. Members also agree to allow Cynthia’s Atelier to communicate via mail, email, phone (including text messages), external websites and various other channels. Cynthia’s Atelier may use these channels to communicate with Member about account status, program changes, Related Rules, special offers or promotions, or other matters CA believes may be of interest to Member. Membership can be canceled at any time, without penalty. Memberships must be canceled by submitting a cancellation request via the membership page on, or via request on our Contact Us page. To cancel this membership, a completed Cancellation Form must be submitted via email at Operator’s designated email address at least 72 hours prior to the next monthly payment date, or other notice as required by law. Cancellation will go into effect 3 business days/72 hours minimum and may take up to 10 days after Operator receives notice. Unused fittings do not "rollover" month-to-month and expire every 30 days while the Frequent Fitter Member is active. Unused benefits at The Elité Level Membership and The Rosé level do not rollover from month-to-month. Unused fittings and benefits have no cash value. Any unused fitting sessions must be redeemed within 90 days of membership cancellation or they will expire forever. Member is not entitled to redeem unused fitting sessions, add-ons or discounts for cash or store credit and Member is not entitled to a refund for any unused fitting sessions or benefits at any time during membership or upon cancellation. The membership fees will recur monthly until canceled by the member. Each Member agrees and understands that the Member's credit card will automatically be charged the applicable monthly fee for the Member’s membership level. It is each Member's responsibility to keep Cynthia’s Atelier informed of accurate billing information. A new form must be completed for any changes in billing information. The monthly fee will be charged automatically and approximately on the same day of the month that the original purchase was made. If Cynthia’s Atelier terminates Frequent Fitters or a Member's membership in FF, the Member's credit card will not be charged for the next billing period and the terms applicable to cancel memberships will apply. For questions about these terms and conditions, you may contact us at or send us a message on our Contact page. 


Payment Authorization: Membership fittings are non-transferable and may be canceled at any time, without any penalty. Memberships must be canceled via email on our Contact Us page. Any unused sessions must be redeemed within 90 days of membership cancellation or they will expire. A new form must be completed for any changes in billing information. The membership fees will recur monthly until canceled by the Member. The monthly fee will be charged automatically and approximately on the same day of the month that the original purchase was made. If a Member upgrades the Member’s membership level, any unused sessions will roll over to the upgraded membership and the new monthly membership fee will be charged automatically to the authorized credit card and approximately on the same day of the month that the Member purchased the upgraded membership.

Membership Agreement: Any unused fittings must be redeemed within 90 days of membership cancellation or they will expire forever. If a Member upgrades the member’s membership level, any unused sessions at the time of the upgrade will roll over to the upgraded membership.

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